Camerawork and editing analysis

 1.three camera shots from the clip 

1.0.36 in the clip we see a medium close up shot on the girl and her mother the effect this has on the audience is that it allows the audience to see the emotion on the girls face in this shot whether she is sad,happy,angry etc.

2.0.53 in the clip we see a long shot of the prime minister in her living room which seems to be a modern English living room and it tells us that the prime minister is trying to save the world in her living room and it allows the audience to see the background of the shot

3.the close up shot on the girl at 0.30 allows the audience to see the emotion on the girls face and this has an effect on the audience because it allows us to have a connection with the character. angle

1.the high angle shot at 3.32 makes the man look small and weak the effect this has on a the audience is that it makes the audience feel that someone is high or taller than him which makes it intimidating.

3.One aspect of camera movement in the clip is from 2:44 and they use a whipped pan to create a feeling of action which is happening in the scene.The director has use this type of camera movement because it has created action and tells the audience that this is a scene where action is going to happen and this gets the audience excited.

4)The jump cut at the end of the video at (2:43) shows the pace of editing from one persons perspective to another,This tells the audience that this is a action scene and a fast pace one because there are lots of cuts in a short space of time.


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